Manage Users and Groups
  • 06 Mar 2024
  • 7 Minutes to read
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Manage Users and Groups

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Article summary

Administering Users

If you have the  appropriate privileges, you can

  • View and change other users' BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow privilege group membership.

  • Synchronize with BrassRing to update BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow with the most current list of BrassRing users.

Viewing and Changing Privilege Group Membership

To view and change the Privilege Group membership:

  1. On the Admin tab, select  System > Users.

  2. Search for a user to work with.

  3. Select View Privileges. The privilege groups that the user belongs to are highlighted in the list.

  4. To change the user's group membership, select one or more groups in the list and select Assign membership. Select the groups by clicking them. To select adjacent groups, click the first one then hold down the shift key and click the last one. To select nonadjacent groups, click the first one, and then hold down the Ctrl key and select additional groups.

Synchronizing with BrassRing

To synchronize BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow users with BrassRing users:

  1. On the Admin tab. select  System > Synchronize Users.

  2. Select the  Synchronize Users button.

  3. You're asked to confirm that you want to synchronize with BrassRing. Select OK.

  4. BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow tells you how many users were updated. Select OK.

Working with Privilege Groups

Privilege groups let you assign access permissions to BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow. By default, BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow users are allowed only to view and approve eLinks. There are no default privileges within the BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow administrative console.

BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow Administrative Permissions

The following permissions can be assigned to a privileged group:

This permission

Lets BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow users

Manage Roles

Add, edit, and delete roles

View Roles

View role assignments

Assign Roles

Assign users to roles

Reassign Roles

Move all the roles assigned to a user to a different user

Mandatory Roles

Choose which roles are required for a workflow. Mandatory roles cannot be removed from the approval chain.

Excluded Roles

Choose which roles are excluded from workflows

Role Rank

Specify how hierarchical roles are ranked by approval levels when business rules are evaluated for an approval chain

View Sequences

View sequence roles and code mappings

Sequence Roles

Create, edit, and delete sequences

Sequence Mappings

Assign a sequence to one or more levels of the organization

Workflow Types

Add, edit, and delete types of workflows

Business Rules

Add, edit, and delete business rules for workflow types

Mobile Form Fields

Choose which form fields approvers can see on handheld devices, such as a Blackberry.


Assign users to existing privilege groups

User Groups

Add, edit, and delete privilege groups

Express Approve

Restart a stalled approval process or manually approve a requisition

Audit Settings

Add, edit, and delete audit triggers

Audit Report

Run audit reports for the workflows

Routing Report

Run routing reports for the workflows

User Profiles

View profiles for other system users

Creating a New Privilege Group

To create a new Privilege Group:

  1. On the Admin tab, select  System > Privilege groups.

  2. Type a descriptive name for the group in the Group description box

  3. Select the  privileges for the group by selecting them. To select adjacent privileges, select the first one then hold down the SHIFT key and select the last one. To select nonadjacent privileges, hold down the CTRL key and select all required privileges.

  4. Select   Create Group.

Editing an Existing Privilege Group

To edit a Privilege Group:

  1. On the Admin tab, select  System > Privilege groups.

  2. In the Configured groups list, find the group you want to edit and select the associated  Edit button.

  3. You can change the group name and the privileges associated with the group. See  Creating a new privilege group above for details.

  4. When you are finished with your changes, select Update.

Deleting a Privilege Group

To delete a Privilege Group:

  1. On the Admin tab, select  System > Privilege groups.

  2. In the Configured groups list, find the group you want to delete and select the associated  Delete button.

  3. Select OK to confirm that you want to delete the group from the system, or select Cancel to leave the group unchanged.

Viewing and Removing Privilege Group Members

To view and remove Privilege Group members:

  1. On the Admin tab, select  System > Privilege groups.

  2. In the Configured groups list, find the group whose membership you want to work with and select the associated  View Users link. BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow displays a list of group members.

  3. To remove a member from the group, find the member and select the  Remove link next to their name.

  4. Select OK to confirm that you want to remove the user from the group, or select Cancel to leave the group membership unchanged.

User Profiles

User profiles specify notification settings and let you pick alternates who can approve requisitions and forms for you.

You can always change your own profile settings. If you have the appropriate privileges, you can also view the profiles of other BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow users in your organization.

This topic describes how to:

  • Change notification settings

  • Assign alternates

Changing Notification Settings

To change notification settings for your profile:

  1. Click the  My Profile tab to display your user profile.

      User Profile

  2. Turn eLink Notifications on or off:

    On: (Recommended) requisitions requiring your approval will be routed to using an eLink. BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow automatically detects whether you are viewing an eLink in a web browser or on a  mobile device and shows the appropriate information when you click the eLink.

    Off: Your alternates approve requisitions for you or you must approve the requisition in the BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow administrative console.

  3. Turn Standard progress notification on or off:

    On: You will receive email notification of any activity posted to requisitions and forms for which you are an approver.

    Off: You will receive an email notification only when you are the next approver.

  4. The Alternate Notifications list contains the names of other users who have specified you as one of their alternates. To receive the same eLink notifications as a user for whom you are an alternate select the  Receive Notifications checkbox next to the person's name. If you don't check Receive Notifications, you must log in to BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow and go to the  Approvals tab to see and approve requisitions and forms for which you are alternate.

  5. Click  Save to save your notification settings. To return to the last notification settings you saved, click  Reset.

Assigning Alternates

To assign alternates:

  1. Click the  My Profile tab to display your user profile.

      Under My Alternates, search for users and then click Add

  2. Under My Alternates,  4 for users and then click Add. The alternate users you specify here can approve requisitions and forms on your behalf.

Viewing the User Hierarchy

User Hierarchy displays the names and hierarchical roles of a specified user's reporting chain. The hierarchy you see in BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow reflects the hierarchy in your organization's HRIS. You cannot edit the hierarchy in BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow.

To view the user hierarchy:

  1. On the Admin tab, select  Roles > User Hierarchy.

  2. Search for a user to work with.

  3. Select the name of the user whose hierarchy you want to see.

  4. Select the  Show Hierarchy button.

    BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow displays the reporting hierarchy, starting with the user you selected.

      User Hierarchy

Working with Global Settings

Global settings control system approver roles, the ability to restart workflows, and user groups for notifications.

This topic describes how to specify:

  • A system approver role

  • Who can restart the approval process?

  • Who receives system notifications?

  • Who can insert approvers into a workflow?

Selecting a System Approver Role

The system approver role appears when an approver is inserted into the approval chain.

  1. On the Admin tab, select  System > Settings.

  2. Select a role from the System Approver Role list.

  3. Select the  Save button.

Specifying Who Can Restart the Approval Process

Only the types of BrassRing users you specify here can restart the approval process by selecting Modify requisition & re-route in the eLink. (An approval can also be restarted after it has been declined if you select Undo Decline, followed by  View approvals in BrassRing. Select   Restart Workflow on the Approval View screen to open a new instance of the Start Workflow screen. You can then also insert any desired additional approvers before selecting Start Workflow.)

  1. On the Admin tab, select  System > Settings.

  2. Select one or more user types from the Re-start workflow user list. Select the user types by selecting them. To select adjacent items, select the first one then hold down the SHIFT key and select the last one. To select nonadjacent items, hold down the CTRL key and select all the additional items.

  3. Select the  Save button.

Specifying Who Receives System Notifications

System notifications are triggered when BrassRing Custom Approval Workflow encounters a workflow problem, such as someone starting a workflow for a requisition that has been deleted in BrassRing; security issues, such as when de-activated or unauthorized users attempt to select an eLink; or integration issues, such as incomplete data in email addresses.

  1. On the Admin tab, select  System > Settings.

  2. Select one or more groups from the User group for the notifications list. Select the user types by selecting them. To select adjacent items, select the first one then hold down the SHIFT key and select the last one. To select nonadjacent items, select the first one, and then hold down the CTRL key and select additional items.

  3. Select the  Save button.

Specifying Who Can Insert Approvers

Only the types of BrassRing users you specify here can insert approvers into a running workflow.

  1. On the Admin tab, select  System > Settings.

  2. Select one or more user types from the User group for inserting the approver's list. Select the user types by selecting them. To select adjacent items, select the first one then hold down the SHIFT key and select the last one. To select nonadjacent items, hold down the CTRL key and select additional items.

  3. Select the  Save button.