Responsive Apply Overview, Configuration, and Documentation
  • 08 Mar 2024
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Responsive Apply Overview, Configuration, and Documentation

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Infinite Talent BrassRing: Responsive Apply Overview, Configuration, and Documentation

Product documentation

Want to implement Responsive Apply functions but need help with the process and configuration steps required? On this page, you find webinars, along with supporting documentation to successfully implement Responsive Apply.

Relevant eLearning

Part I:

Part II:



Recommended Webinar Watch Order:

  1. Project Overview.

  2. Talent Gateways.

  3. Visual Branding Tool.

  4. Gateway Questionnaires.

Responsive Apply Project Process Overview

This webinar provides an overview of what responsive design is, why you would implement Responsive Apply functions, key features, estimate project timelines, preparation points for your project, roles and responsibilities, and steps to implement.

Webinar: HERE

Accompanying PowerPoint: HERE

Talent Gateway Overview and Configuration

This webinar provides a Responsive Talent Gateway overview, steps to configure the Responsive Talent Gateway settings, and a configuration demonstration.


It is suggested that you convert your current Talent Gateways instead of creating new Talent Gateways when Responsive Apply is implemented.

Webinar: HERE

Accompanying PowerPoint: HERE

Visual Branding Tool Overview and Configuration

This webinar provides an overview of the Visual Branding Tool, steps to configure in the Visual Branding Tool, a high-level overview of Advanced CSS, some Advanced CSS examples, and a configuration demonstration.

Webinar: HERE

Accompanying PowerPoint: HERE

Gateway Questionnaire Overview and Configuration

This webinar provides an overview of the Responsive Gateway Questionnaires, a Gateway Questionnaire widget review, general steps to configure, and a demonstration of configuring the Responsive Gateway Questionnaires.

Webinar: HERE

Accompanying PowerPoint: HERE


Responsive Apply Design Sheet

This document is referenced in the Project Process Overview and Visual Branding Tool Overview webinars. It is recommended to use this document to collect pertinent information from your Marketing or Corporate Communications team.

Excel Document: HERE

Responsive Upgrade LOE Assessment

This spreadsheet helps you estimate the number of hours that are needed by your Workbench Administrator to make the move to Responsive Apply.

Excel Document: HERE

Responsive Apply Configuration

This document includes details about the Responsive Apply configuration tasks.


Responsive Apply Tracking Codes, or Tracking Pixels, for Apply Process

This document covers how tracking codes can be updated to make them work on the Responsive Apply Talent Gateways (for the apply process).

Word Document: HERE


This document is fairly technical and might need to be passed along to your vendor to make the necessary edits to the tracking codes before you add them in Workbench.

Tracking Code or Tracking Pixel

A [Tracking Code], [Tracking Pixel], or Javascript can be placed on the Talent Gateway pages, or non-Gateway Questionnaire (GQ) pages. There are three options for the tracking code or pixel:

  1. Fire on all pages fires the code or pixel on all pages outside of the GQ (Application) process.

  2. Fire on the Search pages fires the code or pixel on the Talent Gateway landing page, landing logged in page, search results page, and job description page.

  3. Fire on the Candidate Zone pages fires the code or pixel on all pages of the Candidate Zone.

To add the javascript, tracking code or pixel enter a maintenance request with your organizations Infinite representative. Ensure the ticket includes the option to use with the javascript, tracking code or pixel. Only one tracking code or javascript for non-GQ pages is allowed per Talent Gateway. The codes, pixels, or javascript must meet Infinite requirements. Infinite cannot test, debug or assist with any issues as the information is only utilized for placement for the tracking to operate. All third-party scripts are the responsibility of the customer and vendor.


  • If your organization currently uses iFrames, be aware that iFrames are not technically supported on Responsive Talent Gateways. Adding custom CSS and coding does not guarantee that the Responsive Talent Gateway renders properly on mobile devices. Also, an attempt to implement an iFrame might result in the iFrame taking up too much screen space when candidates are on smaller devices. This then leads to a less than optimal candidate experience.

  • If your organization has vendors currently scraping your Classic Talent Gateway for jobs, note that scraping is not support on the Responsive Talent Gateways. When migrating to the Responsive TGs, if a vendor reports issues with scraping the site, they should use Jobs API instead. Details about the Jobs API can be found on the Talent Gateway Jobs API page.

  • If your organization has the Talent Gateway settings "Maximum total req submissions per period" set to "Maximum allowed (100)" and "Period for maximum submissions" set to "Maximum duration (account lifetime)", candidates are limited to 100 job submissions. This came out on 28 July 2016 (Release 14 Build 20), and was put in place to identify and stop serial appliers and improve overall system performance. With this setting, candidates might receive the error Application limit reached. Sorry, we only allow 100 applications. if they have already applied for 100 jobs. See the Talent Gateway Configuration PowerPoint for additional information.