Talent Record Display and Print Page Header
  • 19 Apr 2024
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Talent Record Display and Print Page Header

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Article summary


Product: Workbench

Talent Record Display

  • The Talent Record has a configurable ribbon section and action log.

  • You can choose to configure a page header that is specific to printing the resume or CV from within the Talent Record. The page header can contain a maximum of 4,000 characters and can be left, center, or right-aligned. This field accepts HTML. Use standard HTML tags and preview the header before publishing it.

  • The Page header field can be translated into all client-purchased BrassRing locales.

  • You can add statements relating to privacy to every page of the Talent Record. Your organization must decide whether they want customized text on its Talent Record pages and what it should say.

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Configure the Talent Record Display

  1. Select Tools → Users → User Types.

  2. Select the User Type.

  3. Select Screen display defaults.

  4. Select the Talent Record plus icon +.

  5. If needed, select Allow users to edit display to allow users to change the Talent Record display in BrassRing.

  6. Select Add Pane, to add a new pane to the Talent Record. BrassRing on Cloud can display up to 25 Panes.

  7. Use Select Field to select what field to display in the pane.

  8. Use the arrow icons to rearrange the order of the panes.

  9. Select Delete pane to remove a pane from the view.

  10. Select Reset to default, to return to the default settings.

  11. Select Save.

Setting up the Print Page Header

  1. Select Tools → Settings → Printing page header. The Printing page header page displays.

  2. Select the alignment for the header.

  3. Enter the page header text and HTML into the Page header text box.

  4. Select Preview to preview the text.

  5. Select Save.